"Since 2006 more than 200 pieces of flow meters Emir-Pramer-550 were installed at tens of objects in Volgograd and the Volgograd region. In general Emir-Pramer-550 proved itself as an inexpensive, accurate, reliable and simple metering instrument with long recalibration interval. ZAO "PromServis" permanently updates construction of the flow meter, improving its technical and operational characteristics. We consider Emir-Pramer-550 to be one of the best instruments in its class."
"Our Company uses big quantities of combined heat meters with flow transducers Emir-Pramer-550, manufactured by ZAO "PromServis". Selection of this configuration of heat meters is caused with high reliability, good technical and operating characteristics.
... Dispatching system, developed by "PromServis" provides information from hear meters, information about emergency situations and other technological parameters.
...In the period since 2009 to 2011 we have implemented 134 resource metering points at objects of industrial, budget and municipal service fields. In this year it is planned to implement 359 projects of metering points with flow transducers Emir-Pramer-550. "
"The essential part of applied metering devices is made by ZAO "PromServis". These flow meters are remarkable for the simplicity of mounting, stability in operation and high reliability.
Variety of modifications of devices, their reliable metrological characteristics and variety of output signals allow to use "VEPS" and "Pramer" flow meters not only in creation of new measuring systems, but also at upgrade of already existing ones.
All these factors in complex with low prices make products of ZAO "PromServis" very attractive for implementation in regional and municipal programs of commercial accounting in Eastern Kazakhstan."
"Our organization has been successfully cooperating with ZAO "PromServis" for more than 15 years.
Large quantities of equipment, produced by this company, are implemented at objects of our customers: metering devices, automated systems for thermal energy consumption control, information-measuring systems and many others.
Vibration diagnostic system for monitoring of rotating equipment condition, developed and produced by "PromServis", is being used at our enterprise for approximately 15 years.
We appreciate ZAO "PromServis" as a strict and reliable partner in solution of all questions concerning energy saving, accounting, automation of heat supplying systems."
"In 2009 we installed heat meters TCK-7, produced by ZAO "PromServis" on the base of electromagnetic flow meters Emir-Pramer-550. Total quantity of devices – approximately 1000 pieces.
In the heating season 2009-2010 there were no failures during the operation. Instruments kept their metrological reliability."
"...Regarding the operability of heat and water accounting devices produces by ZAO "PromServis" that have been installed in Ulyanovsk, we have information received from the following enterprises:
OOO "Management Company Zasviyazhye-1" – 51 metering points;
OOO "Management Company of Leninsky District, Ulyanovsk" – 23 metering points;
OOO "Management Company Amethyst" – 33 metering points;
OOO "Management Company Simbirsk-Grad" – 51 metering points;
OOO "Management Company Staromainskaya energy retail company" – 40 metering points.
Flow transducers VEPS and EMIR-PRAMER-550, included into head meters Karat-TM 15, TCK-7 and CTD, showed their high operational capability.
Few emergency situations were caused with low quality of water and were quickly eliminated by the service personnel according to technical documents for the devices."
"Since 2002 specialists of PromServis execute works on the following directions for our company:
mounting and maintenance of metering devices;
energy surveys;
design and installation of automated control systems and diagnostic systems for industrial equipment.
All jobs were executed by specialists of ZAO "PromServis" within schedule fixed in the contract, and in correspondence with requirements of Rostechnadzor standards (http://www.gosnadzor.ru), including norms and rules for objects using nuclear power. We have no reprimands to quality of the performed jobs.
ZAO "PromServis" is considered as reliable and perspective partner for long-term cooperation.
"...During field application of the system software, it proved itself as a reliable system with authentic results of diagnosed states of rotor equipment. Now over 100 units of principal and auxiliary rotating equipment: turbogenerators, pumps and compressors, fans, smoke exhausters, etc.- are serviced with help of "DIAES" system.
"DIAES" allows to reveal more than 30 types of mechanical and electrical failures: imbalance and misalignment of shafts, defects of rolling bearings, sliding bearings, driving wheels, basements, etc..."
"...Detection of defects at early stage of their development allows to execute timely stops and repair of machines according to indications of the program, to refuse repair of serviceable equipment. This makes it possible to reduce maintenance costs and, in turn, to pays back costs on the "DIAES" program acquisition in a short term."
"... The DIAES system proved itself as a reliable and simple at operation instrument. It can be recommended for application at enterprises of chemical industry for determination of schedule and volume of repair works, prevention of emergencies and further transition to repairs based on real state of equipment."
"...On the basis of more than two years operating experience it is possible to draw a conclusion that the system provides sufficiently valid (about 90%) results of diagnostics and can be recommended for implementation in chemical industry for prevention of emergencies and estimation of schedule and volume of repair works."
"...During the exploitation the DIAES system proved its high efficiency as an instrument for early fault detection and prevention of excessive spending on repairs. This generally affects increased reliability of equipment and prevents downtimes. The program allows to add unlimited number of new machines, to customize diagnosed parameters, to add new defects basing on practical experience."
"... Since July, 1998 the diagnostics system for rotating equipment, developed by ZAO "PromServis", was put into operation at JSC "OEMK". The assessment of economic efficiency of the System operability is based on the example of equipment in metallization department: gear units and compressors of technological and cooling gases. The economic effect of Diagnostic Systems implementation in 1999 amounted to 20 336.8 US Dollars."
"... All jobs were executed by specialists of ZAO "PromServis" within schedule fixed in the contract, and in correspondence with requirements of Rostechnadzor standards, including norms and rules for objects using nuclear power. We have no reprimands to quality of the performed jobs. ZAO "PromServis" is considered as reliable and perspective partner for long-term cooperation."
"...Portable expert diagnostic system "DIAES" allows to detect main mechanical failures in a standalone mode: imbalances and misalignment of shafts, defects of rolling and sliding bearings, defects of blades in rotor wheels, defects of basements, etc. Application of the system enabled timely identification of progressing damage of bearing in a support No. 3 of the pump No. 200D90, working in continuous production mode. Execution of regular inspections allowed to control development of this defect, to last out operation time till planned stop and carry out scheduled repair. After start of operation defects were not found."
"... During operation, at execution of scheduled repairs the system "DIAES" proved its high performance as an instrument for early fault detection and prevention of excessive repair costs that in general leads to improved reliability of equipment and avoidance of downtimes."
"...The system identifies the following failures with high level of reliability: defects of rolling bearings and sleeve bearings, shafts imbalance, defects of basements, lack of basements setup stiffness, etc. as well as defects of electromagnetic system of electric motors."
"...ZAO "PromServis" executed the following works for the Balakovo NPP: "Postreactor researches of fuel assembly in the unit 1 No. 390900407". Within this operation specialists also summarized data concerning construction features, history and parameters of maintenance of fuel assembly-2 No. 390900407 and other not hermetic fuel assemblies. The work was completed at a stated time and with appropriate quality."
"...The Laboratory of Technical Diagnostics (LTD) of KNPP carried out verification of diagnostic system "DIAES" since May to November, 2002 on the equipment of turbine shop, reactor shop, ventilation and air conditioning shop. In the process of diagnostics different types of defects were detected by means of "DIAES" system and eliminated."
"...In 2009 the Board of management of JSC "SIBUR Holding" adopted a decision to state "The Program of implementation of advanced methods of fixed assets maintenance at JSC "SIBUR Holding" enterprises. Within this Program the following measures were taken at our enterprise with the help of ZAO "PromServis" specialists:
- Implemented portable instruments and systems of vibration control and diagnostics "VIES" and "DIAES";
- organized training and certification of personnel engaged in equipment maintenance and diagnostics;
- determined the list of the most critical equipment; developed and implemented the Company Standard "Organization and execution of works on vibration control, diagnostics and monitoring of dynamic equipment at JSC "Tomskneftekhim";
- special file share on the enterprise server is dedicated to store data bases, results of diagnostics, reports, etc."
Address: 423570, Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan
Tel: +7 (8555) 37-58-29, 37-70-09; e-mail: nknh@nknh.ru
PJSC “Nizhnekamskneftekhim” cooperates with ZAO “Promservis” for more than 15 years. During this time, Your Company regularly helped us to evaluate technical state of compressor equipment in very difficult situations. Your personnel proved themselves to be highly qualified and responsible specialists, their opinion should be relied on in making the most difficult decisions.
Basing on vibration analysis, specialists of “Nizhnekamskneftekhim” and “Promservis” set up recommendations for control of equipment technical state, thereby service life of units E-501 and E-601 in the workshop No. 2106 of Ethylene plant was extended by 8640 hours. This helped to reduce maintenance and repair costs significantly.
With help of ZAO “Promservis” we managed to solve long-standing problem with the pump unit P-1005A in the workshop No.5804: resonant in support system was revealed that used to cause permanent hardware breakdowns. After tightening of the supporting structure with additional stiffeners the unit returned to normal condition. It is only one of examples of successful problem handling.
Our cooperation in the field of diagnostics and condition monitoring of compressor equipment allows to:
- Reduce risk of production lines’ emergency stop and, consequently, reduce risk of financial losses caused with underproduction;
- Timely start repair works and maintain the best condition of machines;
- Carry out repair works basing on analysis of objective vibration data that indicate actual technical state of equipment.
We hope for further cooperation with ZAO “Promservis”.
Chief Mechanic of PJSC “Nizhnekamskneftekhim”
R.R. Gilmullin.
(Sutorminsk drilling department of Sibneft-Noyabrskneftegaz).
Address: 626726, Muravlenko, Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region, Russia
Tel.: +7 (34564) 443-78, 433-84, 5-18-99
E-mail: info@gazprom-neft.ru
Comment regarding diagnostic system for rotating equipment in the hire-and-repair shop for power-generating equipment.
The Sutorminsk drilling department bought from ZAO “Promservis” the diagnostic system with PR200A device in June, 2000. Specialists of “Promservis” provided training for personnel and adjustment of the system.
Today the system is applied for examination of technical state of motors: asynchronous slip-ring induction motor AKB 13-62-8UHL2 (560 kW), synchronous brushless motors SMBO 15-49-8U2 (630 kW), SDBM 99-49-8U2 (710 kW), SDBM 99-46-8U2 (630 kW), SDBM 99-46-8U2 (500 kW) that come for repair.
We execute inspections both before repair (for optimization of labor costs and spare parts), and after it (for output control).
In the first quarter of 2001the System helped to detect production defect in a batch of new electric motors delivered from manufacturer. In three of five arrived motors AKB13-62-8UHL2 the following defects were found: shaft bending, crack of inner race in front bearing and severe wear of outer and inner race in back bearing. After dismantling in the presence of manufacturer’s representative all defects were confirmed.
During the operation and execution of scheduled repair works the System proved its outstanding efficiency as means of early detection of defects and prevention of excessive repair costs. Consequently it allows to increase reliability of equipment and to exclude downtimes.
Chief Power Engineer N. V. Gerasimov.
Head of the hire-and-repair shop for electric equipment and power supply L.V. Meyder
Tel: +7 (38259) 69158, e-mail: sekrstrnpz@strnpz.ru
Address: 23, Burovikov Str, Strezhevoy, Tomsk Region, Russian Federation
In 2013 Your Company won the tender bid for engineering design of "Stationary vibration monitoring and diagnostic system for pump-and-compressor equipment and fans of air units in “PetroFac” machine at LLC “Strezhevskoy Oil-Refinery Plant” for the following machines:
1. K-301 A / B - two-stage piston compressor with opposed arrangement of double-acting cylinders;
2. P-101A / B, P-102A / B - centrifugal horizontal pump;
3. P-103A / B, P-105A / B - centrifugal vertical pump;
4. P-201A / B, P-301A / B - centrifugal horizontal pump;
5. AC-108A / B, AC-109A / B, AC-201A / B, AC-202A / B, AC-301A / B, AC-302.
ZAO “Promservis” and LLC “Strezhevskoy Oil-Refinery Plant”signed a contract to perform works on design development, delivery and commissioning of a stationary system for vibration monitoring of dynamic equipment.
During the years of collaboration ZAO “Promservis” has proved itself as a highly professional organization and gained reputation of a stable and reliable business partner, carrying out works at the highest level.
Supply of equipment and materials, as well as supervision of mounting and commissioning were executed efficiently, timely and in compliance with all technical documentation requirements.
All problems arising during the work were solved quickly and taking into account all wishes of the Customer; specialists of ZAO “Promservis” revealed their high qualification and professionalism. Today the “SADKO” system works properly. During its application at execution of scheduled maintenance, we acknowledged the System as an efficient instrument for early detection of defects. This helps to increase reliability of our equipment and exclude downtime.
LLC “StrezhevskoyOil-Refinery Plant”looks forward to further long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation with ZAO “Promservis”.
Director General
LLC “Strezhevskoy Oil-Refinery Plant”
G.V. Kovyazin.
"... In the terms of our cooperation ZAO "PromServis" showed itself as a very reliable partner. Efficiency in solving problems and timely execution of obligations completely correspond to our requirements and proves professionalism of your specialists. Application of the passenger traffic monitoring system "POTOK" allows to get a valid information about quantity of carried passengers. The system is characterized with high level of reliability and accuracy, it is easy-to-use." "
"...JSC "Autoline-Mytischi" has been working with monitoring system "POTOK" for two years. In this time the system proved itself as a stable and reliable instrument for passenger traffic control.
In the course of our further cooperation we would like to see the following upgrades of the system:
- reduction of the system accuracy;
- adaptation of the system for buses Scania OMNILINK;
- implementation of GLONASS, GPS navigation systems.
JSC "Autoline-Mytischi" thanks ZAO "PromServis" for cooperation."
JSC "Autoline-Translight" carried out successful tests of the automated system for passengers counting "Potok", produced by ZAO "PromServis". The system was equipped with OMRON sensors. In the course of tests at "IVEKO" buses data of the "POTOK" system were compared with quantity of passengers, registered by video recorder. Accuracy of the automated system "POTOK" amounted to 0.58 – 1 %, that meets the necessary requirements".